Monday, February 14, 2011

Book For Signature For Funerals

declaration of love for life under the palm trees in the snow

Inca recommends the book "When the moon flowers bloom"
has bookworm Inca again a book tip for you: "If the moon flowers bloom" by Jetta Carleton worth reading is necessarily. By 1964 this was novel set in the 1950s in the U.S. state of Missouri, No. 1 on the Spiegel bestseller list. Now the publishing house Kiepenheuer & Witsch him reissued in paperback - and immediately, the book became a bestseller again. has almost half a century after its initial publication, it has lost none of its magic and is neither dusty nor old fashioned. Jetta Carleton (1913 - 1999) lets her words full of lightness and then float between the lines always Humor again, so that the flash point, despite its 498 pages long-winded never appears and can be read fast.
The story is about the now grown-up daughters of Matthew and Callie Soames, who come in each year for two weeks in the summer back to the farm of their parents: the ever-dutiful Leonie, who seems lucky to have go by, Mary Jo that far away from family in New York working in television, and Jessica, fly left the college and married the wrong man. Only Mathy, the rebel who is druchgebrannt with a young driver, does not come to the farm and will be missed by all.
The visit with the parents for the three women more than an onerous duty. The summer weeks on the farm are on a journey into his past. Their daily lives disappearing into the distance, and the women will again run into girls who bathe in the creek, the meadows and through the orchard, and indulge in their memories.
"If the moon flowers bloom" is a wonderful family story about children leaving the house and return, are about courage, vanity, abandonment, new opportunities and feel to each other, whatever happens. A very poetic book and a declaration of love to life to boot. "It hit the nerve and then completely gave Jetta Carleton a huge success all over the world, "it says in the book criticism of women's magazine Brigitte. " And today? Can we fall in love again in their lively figures. Or, for the first time - with full force " Enjoy reading
PS: Mondblumem are night blooming relative of the morning glories


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