Monday, May 17, 2010

Injuries To Ballerinas As Bad As Other Sports

Where are the children?

to again fall in birth rate in Germany, declare the national chair of the Junge Union, Philipp Missfelder, and Dorothee Baer, MP:

"The historically low birth rate in Germany is unique alarming. 2009 were 651 000 children are born - as little as never before in the Federal Republic. recorded a decline of 3.6 percent by 2008, when there were 683 000 births. This continues the downward trend of recent years. How serious the birth rate has been falling for decades, the comparison with the year 1964, when it at the peak of the baby boom, with 1.36 million babies were more than twice as many children as they are today. Since then the number of childbearing women decline steadily - in the last four years by half a million.

This low birth rate shows that it is more important than ever to improve conditions for young families on. The parental allowance, the planned introduction of the benefit payments and the need-based development are of good quality and time-flexible care and education offers the hallmarks of the modern family policy of the CDU / CSU government. Right it is to allow parents real choice. Is necessary, move even more to the diverse needs of mothers, fathers and children in the center of family policy. To encourage

young people in their desire for children, must be about the compatibility of family and work easier. This was achieved by the Union-led government a lot. The increasing recognition of the educational performance of young mothers and fathers is a success. This consistent support for families must be continued in view of the alarming demographic trends. "

One could also interpret the data available so that the state family support policy has no effects. Perhaps the birth rate would be even lower without it? The volumes, which are now of marriageable and reproductive age are themselves decimated by the pill. Fewer people may have fewer children. Against the secularization, increasing flexibility, individualization, emancipation, separation and selfishness, un tendencies while state building in this sector (full-day school, committed families barely which can by their children, the welfare state, which makes the protection seem unnecessary in the family.) can start a family with deteriorating economic situation overall is unlikely. Given the increasing public career pressure is on women (and men so that they can not find steady partners more or maintain any solid relationships. Still more state funding for child care are likely to be increasingly hard to come. There is in Germany to invest in the readiness of children it was privately or publicly. As children individually and luxury are a lot of responsibility, to save in times of crisis on the children first. mothers and fathers, the taxpayers and pension contributors will raise from the welfare state exploited it, to them nothing for it pours. The child benefit was only a partial refund of VAT, the families have to pay more than others.

What I see now come in family policy nor acceptance, is to expand the supply of day care and full-day school offers, as the shrinking society can dispense neither the children nor the labor of young mothers.


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